DMV Better Together – Turtle Project

January – A member of the DMV program at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility

My name is January and I have been with the Coffee Creek DMV Call Center for 3 years. The ability to feel like I’m part of the DMV team was refreshing. Over the years I have made some genuine friendships within DMV. One of those friends within DMV wanted to lift my spirits, and knew I loved turtles. She went out of her way to color a circular design that resembled a turtle shell. She also attached arms, legs, and a lipstick wearing turtle head.

Although, friendships may not last forever, but genuine gestures do. The gesture of one person, friend or not, gave me something more meaningful than she knew. This action inspired me to “pay it forward”. Everyone within the DMV call center including managers, techs, trainers, and all agents were provided different turtle shells to color. Once the turtle shells were done, I received a quote, affirmation, or inspirational saying from each individual that participated. I then wrote them under the shells, so that when viewing the turtles, a person can lift the shell to read the inspiration beneath. Vulnerability is hard to find in the place we are currently in. With the help of other agents, we designed a lighthouse, ocean, and sand background on one of the DMV call center walls and placed our turtles on it. With this idea I was hoping to bring together, inspire, and lift those that have the opportunity to see it.

My hope was that agents could provide a piece of their inspiration that might speak to someone’s heart. Bad or good days, an inspirational turtle with lipstick will hopefully bring a smile to their heart.  

Article written by January –